Monday, November 4, 2019

How I found joy after sexual abuse

Abuse creates a scary world inside of a person.

Evil leaves it's mark literally in the cells of the brain. Each time someone who has suffered abuse is reminded of the evil done them, the pathway to the mark gets stronger. Each time the choice is made to dwell on that evil, the easier it becomes to return to it. The negative hormones rush in each time, acting like an acid and eating away at positive imprints in our brain, and set us up to repeat the thought process again. Hopelessness is overwhelming. Worry creeps in that faking joy and everything being ok, can only go on so long. That someone will find out who and what you really are, or worse yet, that the evil will be repeated.

My friend, tears come to my eyes as write because I know how it feels to be there.

Is there hope? Will this be our lives forever after? The knot in our stomach. The terror of the return of the perpetrator. The fear that we will be dismissed as foolish, by the one we trust enough to tell our awful secret to. And then perhaps it does happen.

But for Christ, I would still be in this miserable pit.
There is hope, and I have found it!

I am totally at peace and happy, most of the time, now. The only time I am not, is the rare occasion when I am angry or stressed, or when I have sympathy for someone else, or healthy fears, such as fear of driving too fast and loosing control. Looking back it seems too good to be true! I didn't even know how to change my brain, but God in his grace gave me wisdom to change it.

When I think of the evil done to me now, it is quickly, and automatically replaced by joy and thankful feelings. No more churning in my stomach, or terrors in my soul. My confidence continues to grow! I feel so free and happy! And you can too, my friend.

That is why I love the book "Create a Better Brain Through Neuroplasticity" so much. It teaches us how to change the brain, so that we can climb out of that pit of hopelessness, and not only out, but climb to the top of the mountains of peace, and rest there, full of joy and thankfulness.
Order it at:

πŸ’šTo each one who read this post, I am praying for you. πŸ’š

To Parents: you can never watch your kids too closely. It is good to be a "helicopter parent" in this case. I have read that 1 in 4 girls, and 1 in 5 boys will be sexually abused in some way. Even if you are a good, protective parent, like mine are, something can still happen. So please, be very careful with you little ones.

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